Technology Services

Micología Microbiología Suelos

INBIOTEC's outreach activities are conducted through CONICET's technology transfer unit. Additionally, FIBA has provided ongoing support and has also facilitated outreach to the productive sector.


high-level technological services (STANs)


Development of specific lines for solving biotechnological problems

Identification and characterization

Fungal identification and characterization service.

The service includes the identification, characterization and conservation of Trichoderma isolates.
The methodology is based on culture and molecular biology techniques (PCR-sequencing-comparison with databases, molecular pattern) and conservation of isolates. Materials Engineering and Technology


Micología y Microbiología de Suelos Lab



To determine the morphological characteristics of cells, cultures and parasporal bodies of Bacillus thuringiensis present in formulations.
1) The morphology of cells and parasporal bodies of B. thuringiensis strains formulated by the company is determined under phase contrast microscopy.
2) The viability of cells and spores of B. thuringiensis strains formulated by the company and their capacity to develop in appropriate culture media under controlled temperature conditions is determined.

Agricultural Sciences BIOLOGY-BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECHNOLOGY Bacillus thuringiensis, insect pests, insect vectors

1. Sampling design and sampling in the field of entomological fauna with different capture gear according to the study group.
2. Cleaning of the samples collected in the field, selection and conservation of the specimens.
3. Taxonomic identification of the collected specimens to the lowest possible level. Carrying out an inventory.
4. Preparation of a report BIOLOGY-ZOOLOGY Rec.Nat.Renov.-Conservation and preservation

Research and experimental development in the field of exact and natural sciences ncp
fauna, flora, conservation, insects, forensic

1. Sampling design and sampling in the field of entomological fauna with different capture gear according to the study group.
2. Cleaning of the samples collected in the field, selection and conservation of the specimens.
3. Taxonomic identification of the collected specimens to the lowest possible level. Carrying out an inventory.
4. Preparation of a report with suggestions for the sustainable management of protected natural areas.


1. Sampling design and sampling in the field of entomological fauna with different capture gear according to the study group.
2. Cleaning of the samples collected in the field, selection and conservation of the specimens.
3. Taxonomic identification of the collected specimens to the lowest possible level. Carrying out an inventory.
4. Preparation of a report with suggestions for the sustainable management of the affected areas.

Microorganism identification and characterization service, based on DNA extraction and subsequent analysis.
The methodology is based on the extraction of DNA from two microorganisms provided by the company, followed by the amplification of specific DNA fragments using the PCR technique. Purification and sequencing of the products


Micología y Microbiología de Suelos Lab

In particular, the presence and abundance of mycorrhizal fungi, mesophilic bacteria and P solubilisers in culture media will be detected. Samples from the company will be processed for plate count by serial dilution of total colony-forming units of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, for which the microorganisms will be cultured in suitable media. The presence of propagules of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi will be determined by wet sieving of the product and microscopic observation of the retained material.

Agricultural Sciences Agricultural Sciences BIOLOGY-BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECHNOLOGY

Micología y Microbiología de Suelos Lab

Evaluation of the stability of a formulation based on Trichoderma Determine the stability over time of a biological product subjected to different temperatures and pH The biological product provided by the contractor will be evaluated and will be subjected to different storage conditions under adverse temperature and pH conditions. In this way, the following will be evaluated: -Storage stability. According to CIPAC MT 39 (evaluation of the stability of Trichoderma atroviride at 30 +/- 2 oC, -Stability in different environmental conditions: pH: 5 mm diameter discs of T. atroviride will be sown in malt agar culture medium at different pH values ​​(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10), the percentage of PICR radial growth inhibition will be measured by comparing it with a control at pH 5.5. Temperature: 5 mm diameter discs of T. atroviride will be sown in malt agar culture medium, the percentage of PICR radial growth inhibition will be measured at 10,15, 20, 30, 35 and 40o C, comparing it with a control at 25oC. -A technical report with the results will be delivered.

Process Engineering


Micología y Microbiología de Suelos Lab

Cyanobacteria analysis of water and sediment samples

Identification of cyanobacteria from water bodies and sediments. Potential applicants are public or private companies, such as: water treatment plants, development societies, recreational centers, or other organizations. The samples will be provided by the applicant. Identification of cyanobacteria by microscopy and molecular techniques. The results will be delivered through a technical report.

Biology BIOLOGY-MICROBIOLOGY Hydro-pollution and sanitation Wastewater treatment, sewage and sewage services Cyanobacteria, Sediments

Determination and quantification of the fungus Trichoderma in samples provided by the contractor. Identification and quantification of fungi of the genus Trichoderma in liquid samples.

Identification is at the genus level. Potential applicants for this service are agricultural and bioinput production companies. The samples provided by the applicant will be processed and cultured in an appropriate medium. The presence of Trichoderma will be determined and the CFU will be quantified. Morphological analysis of fungal colonies in culture medium and quantification by the serial dilution method. At the end, a technical report is issued.


Isolation and quantification of microorganisms in products sold as Growth Promoter, in particular the presence and abundance of mycorrhizal fungi, mesophilic bacteria and P solubilizers in culture media will be detected.
Agricultural Sciences
Evaluate the effect of biomaterials provided by the contractor on the viability of a strain of the fungus Trichoderma (strain deposited at INBIOTEC).
Agricultural Sciences
Advice on biological materials provided by the applicant, for which the classification and analysis of the quality of the sample will be carried out for possible applications of use.
Agricultural Sciences


The practice consists of DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing and data analysis for the identification of microorganisms formulated by private companies. Technical explanation DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing and data analysis for the identification of microorganisms formulated by private companies.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BIOLOGY-MICROBIOLOGY

The training promotes the exchange of information between the academic, productive and regulatory fields as well as the updating of researchers who focus their work in different areas related to mycology. Technical explanation of the use of fungi as plant growth promoters and biocontrol agents. Methodologies used for their formulation. Current situation in Argentina. Legal regulatory framework for the registration of products. Agricultural Sciences


Micología y Microbiología de Suelos Lab

Advice on microalgae for different applications Advice on biological materials provided by the applicant, for which the classification and analysis of the quality of the sample for possible applications of use will be carried out. Identification and classification of the strains of the material provided by the applicant will be carried out, and an analysis will be made of which filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria correspond to international collections. Based on the analysis carried out, potential suppliers of the selected strains will be referenced for their potential use in sectors such as biofertilizers and biofuel.

Agricultural Sciences BIOLOGY-BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECHNOLOGY Energy-Bioenergy Manufacturing of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds Cyanobacteria, N2 fixation, organic fertilizers, sustainable agriculture

The training allows the identification of cyanobacteria in water bodies and sediments, through different techniques. Potential applicants are public or private companies, such as: water treatment plants, or other organizations. Training modality: theoretical-practical and face-to-face Content/syllabus:

1. Viability measurements of the samples received and sample microscopy for identification
2. Techniques for cultivating cyanobacterial samples under different conditions
3. Methods for optimising cyanobacterial cultures in the laboratory
4. Techniques for isolating and detecting cyanobacterial DNA for molecular identification of strains and molecular characterisation of potential toxins Appropriate bibliography and course materials are provided. Depending on the nature of the participants, an assessment of the knowledge acquired may be carried out. A certificate of attendance will be provided.


Advice on biological materials provided by the applicant, for which the classification and analysis of the quality of the sample for possible applications of use will be carried out.

Agricultural Sciences



Testing of microorganisms in culture media and evaluation of their morpho-physiological characteristics. Evaluation of genetic stability using molecular markers The microorganism culture from the company will be tested in an appropriate culture medium and the morphological characteristics of the colonies, the sporulation capacity and the growth rate will be evaluated in successive tests over a period of 6 months. In addition, the method of conservation of the microorganism by the company will be tested and its viability will be determined. The genetic stability of the microorganism will be evaluated by taking samples at different periods over a period of 6 months using molecular markers such as ISSR.

BIOLOGY-BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECHNOLOGY Plant production Agricultural and livestock support services genetics, microorganisms


Optimization of microalgae cultivation for different applications (ST 5082)

Analysis and advice on propagation, cultivation optimization and processing of biomass based on disseminated knowledge and based on the feasibility of uses. Based on the analysis of the samples of algal biomass provided by the applicant, previously classified according to potential use for the biofertilizer and biofuel sectors, alternatives for propagation, optimization of cultivation conditions and processing of biomass will be proposed based on disseminated knowledge.

Agricultural Sciences BIOLOGY-BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECHNOLOGY Energy-Bioenergy Manufacturing of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds Cyanobacteria, N2 fixation, organic fertilizers, sustainable agriculture


Optimization of microalgae cultivation for different applications
Determination of the potential for biological capture of CO2 with microalgae and the quality of microalgae biomass as a compostable organic amendment

Objective: 1) to build and evaluate a model device for capturing CO2 based on microalgae cultivation. The aim is to install a CO2 capture module in a relevant environment, for example a service station of the applicant company; and 2) to evaluate the quality of composted microalgae biomass as a soil improver, biofertilizer and phytostimulant.

Determination of microorganisms in samples
Isolation and quantification of microorganisms in products sold as Growth Promoter, in particular the presence and abundance of mycorrhizal fungi, mesophilic bacteria and Trichoderma fungi will be detected in products provided by the company Bloemendaal (Mar del Plata)

Trichoderma viability determination service in formulation for commercialization by techniques
Evaluation of the viability of a formulation based on Trichoderma against different temperature and pH conditions. Validation of results with SENASA


Characterization and Enhancement of Insecticidal Proteins from Entomopathogenic Bacteria
We focus on the characterization of Cry proteins isolated from native strains of bacteria from the genus Bacillus, specifically Bacillus wiedmannii biovar thuringiensis, which have mosquitocidal activity, as well as from B. thuringiensis strains that are toxic to coleopteran and lepidopteran larvae. Cry proteins are identified using specific molecular techniques or through genomic analysis of bacterial strains. These proteins are expressed in heterologous systems, and their toxicity against target insect species is evaluated.

Detection and Characterization of the Microbiota in Mosquitoes
We isolate pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and more recently microalgae) and symbionts (including bacteria and yeasts) using classical microbiology techniques. Additionally, microorganisms are identified through traditional molecular techniques and, more recently, via metagenomics, allowing us to analyze their role in the development of mosquitoes from various genera. The effect of certain isolated microorganisms is studied in isogenic mosquito lines of Culex pipiens and Culex quinquefasciatus—both with and without the endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia pipientis—which have been maintained in our lab since 2009.

Diversity and Distribution of Mosquitoes in Mar del Plata and Surrounding Areas
We monitor mosquito species of public health importance in the city of Mar del Plata and its surrounding areas. Since 2009, we have tracked and analyzed the distribution of Aedes aegypti along Provincial Route No. 2 and conducted phylogeographic studies of this species in the region. Specific detection of Ae. aegypti haplotypes is performed using molecular markers, and these haplotypes are differentiated from the Rockefeller reference strain. Since 2020, we have been part of GIMA (Mosquito Research Groups in Argentina) and the Translational Health Research Network focused on “Early warning and prevention of dengue at the southern limit of the distribution of autochthonous cases and their mosquito vector.”

Nanomaterials for the Development of Biological Insecticides
Since late 2020, we have been researching and applying nanomaterials for the development of bioinsecticides based on Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis for controlling mosquito larvae, in collaboration with Dr. Vera Alvarez (INTEMA, Mar del Plata).