Ana Paula Lando

Ana Paula Lando

Ana Paula Lando

Dra. Recursos Genéticos Vegetales
Becaria Postdoctoral

Señalización celular y respuestas al estrés

Señalización celular y respuestas al estrés


Rol del señalamiento de TOR en la respuesta al estrés abiótico en Arabidopsis thaliana


Rol clave de la actividad TOR en la respuesta de tolerancia a estreses abióticos en plantas: interacción con el señalamiento de azúcares, especies reactivas de oxígeno y óxido nítrico

Ana Paula Lando, Daniela Goeten, W. G. Viana, Yohan Fritsche, Miguel P. Guerra, N. Steiner, (2024) Cell division and dynamics in global DNA methylation associated with radicle protrusion in Trichocline catharinensis seeds (Asteraceae). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum: Volume 46, article number 33. DOI:

Cintia Pereyra, Rodrigo Parola, Ana Paula Lando, Marianela Rodriguez, Giselle Martínez-Noël, (2023) High Sugar Concentration Inhibits TOR Signaling Pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation: 20 January 2023. DOI:

Ana Paula Lando, María Cecilia Terrile, Agustina De Marco, Marianela Rodriguez, Giselle Martínez-Noël, (2024) Nitric oxide participates in sucrose–TOR signaling during meristem activation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta: Volume 260, article number 113. DOI:

ZANDONÁ, L. O.; LANDO, A. P. ; GOETEN, D. ; STEINER, N . The control over physiological dormancy break by gibberellins in Calibrachoa sellowiana (Sendtn.) Wijsman seeds are associated with polyamines. ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM , v. 43, p. 56-63, 2021.

VIEIRA, P. H. M.; LANDO, A. P.; GOETEN, D.; ORIANO, R. ; VIANA, W. G. ; STEINER, N .Physiological behavior trend of Campomanesia xanthocarpa (Myrtaceae) seeds under desiccation and their implication for germplasm conservation. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION , p. X, 2021.

LANDO, A. P.; VIANA, W. G. ; VALE, E. M. ; SANTOS, M. ; SILVEIRA, V. ; STEINER, N . Cellular alteration and differential protein profile explain effects of GA and ABA and their inhibitor on (Asteraceae) seed germination. Physiologia Plantarum , v. xx, p. 1, 2020.

DIAS, F. P. ; STEINER, N ; CANGAHUALA-INOCENTE, G. C. ; LANDO, A. P. ; SANTOS, M. ; GUERRA, M. P. . Integrated proteomics and histochemical analysis of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae) in embryogenic suspension culture. Annals of Forest Research , v. 63, p. 27-43, 2020.

SILVA, R. A. E. ; LANDO, A. P. ; VIANA, W. G. ; ORTIZ, J. ; COSTA, C. D. ; SCHMIDT, E. C. ; SOUZA, L. A. ; GUERRA, M. P. ; STEINER, N . Structural aspects of cypsela and seed development of Trichocline catharinensis (Cabrera): a Brazilian endemic species. PROTOPLASMA , v. 257, p. 1, 2019.

LANDO, A. P.; VIANA, W. G. ; SILVA, R. A. E. ; COSTA, C. D. ; FRAGA, H. P. F. ; SANTOS, M. ; Mioto, P.M. ; GUERRA, M. P. ; STEINER, N . The Physiological Relationship Between Abscisic Acid and Gibberellin During Seed Germination of Trichocline catharinensis (Asteraceae) Is Associated with Polyamine and Antioxidant Enzymes. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation , v. 39, p. 1, 2019.

Ana Paula Lando