Mauro Do Nascimento

Mauro Do Nascimento

Mauro Do Nascimento

Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas
Investigador Asistente

Biotecnología algal y de la fijación biológica del nitrógeno

NF Cereals-Engineering N2 Fixation in Mitochondria – Phase II. Sub-subsidio del proyecto internacional Grant Nº OPP1042444 de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates. Sub-subsidio otorgado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. 2016-2018. Curatti L, IR del sub-subsidio, Rubio LM, IR del subsidio.

Biorrefinerías de microalgas para el aprovechamiento integral de la biomasa con posibles aplicaciones en bioenergía y producción animal. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. PICT2015 – 3559. Curatti L, IR.

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  1. Cyanobacterial biological nitrogen-fixation as a sustainable source of nitrogen fertilizer for the production of microalgal oil. Do Nascimento M, Sanchez Rizza L, Arruebarrena Di Palma A, Dublan MA, Salerno G, Rubio LM, Curatti L. 2015. Algal Research: Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts 12, 142-148
  2. Metabolic engineering of ammonium release for nitrogen-fixing multispecies microbial cell-factories. Ortiz-Márquez JCF, Do Nascimento M, Curatti L. 2014. Metabolic Engineering 23, 154-164
  3. High lipid productivity of an Ankistrodesmus–Rhizobium artificial consortium. Do Nascimento M, Dublan MA, Ortiz-Márquez JCF, Curatti L. 2013. Bioresource Technology 146, 400–407
  4. Genetic engineering of multi-species microbial cell-factories as an alternative for bioenergy production. Ortiz-Márquez JCF, Do Nascimento M, Zehr JP, Curatti L. 2013. Trends in Biotechnology 31(9), 521–529
  5. Bioprospecting for fast growing and biomass characterization of oleaginous microalgae from south-eastern Buenos Aires, Argentina. Do Nascimento M., Ortiz-Márquez JCF, Sanchez-Rizza L., Echarte M, Curatti L. 2012. Bioresource Technology 125, 283-290
  6. Association with an ammonium-excreting bacterium allows diazotrophic culture of oil-rich eukaryotic microalgae. Ortiz-Márquez JCF, Do Nascimento M, Dublan MA, Curatti L. 2012. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78(7), 2345-2352
Camila Denise Coronel, Mauro Do Nascimento, Leonardo Curatti, (2019) Effect of matching microalgal strains origin and regional weather condition on biomass productivity in environmental photobioreactors. Bioresource Technology Reports: Volume 5, February 2019, p. 104-112. DOI:

Lara Sanchez Rizza, Maria Eugenia Sanz Smachetti, Mauro Do Nascimento, Graciela Salerno, Leonardo Curatti, (2017) Bioprospecting for native microalgae as an alternative source of sugars for the production of bioethanol. Algal Research: Volume 22, March 2017, Pages 140-147. DOI: